Jan 3, 2014

Boolean status with different groups


Trick to show the boolean state to different members on different groups.


I had the problem that on one PBX, different sites are connected each group has pickup for his own site. But there is one reception phone with different buttons for controlling an boolean object. The goal is when the reception phone changes the boolean status, that the other phone on another site sees this state also. (and vice versa)


We have two users, each with own group indications and a pickup button: This works great!
  • UserA: group indications pickup_site1
  • UserB: group indications pickup_site2
Now we added a new button at UserA's phone. This is an boolean object Closed On/Off  with number ##7.

We need to set the boolean inside an active group, for the changes to see we need to add the boolean object at the same group the user belongs. The group has to be the same as the Group Indications who wants to change the boolean state (manually)

Now for the UserB we create also an button for changing the boolean state as for UserA. But the problem will be that UserB has another group Indications group has configured. When can solve this by adding the boolan object also to this group.

Now both users can change the state of the same boolean object and they 'll see this from each other, so when UserA changes the boolean UserB will also see this. (and vice versa)

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